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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Party and a card!

Good evening Everybody!

I had a few really busy days this week! Wednseday WOYWW day I had my daughter and her friend over for a baking afternoon! They were doing all the work - I was doing other pressing things! On Thursday I had this party for the students that work in the library - I invited them to my home - I cooked something (actually it was quite good - spicy chicken made with cloves, cardamom and anis stars served with couscous) so we had a sit down meal and for sweets we had the lovely cake and chocolate mousse my daughter and her friend baked! Here is the lovely group of library helpers - on the right is my boss - she is the boss to all of us! :-)

On Friday I went out with two of my best friends for a birthday meal! My friend Anna was celebrating and we went to a lovely restaurant had a good meal and a nice chat!
Saturday I went to Trieste with my daughter and my friend for a Christmas shopping day - it went well I got most of my gifts - just 3 more I need to buy,  and after finishing shopping early we drove to Vilesse near Gorizia where there is an IKEA and I bought something for my crafting stuff which I will blog tomorrow!
And now I have a card to show - actually it was on my table since Wednesday but I will reveal it now...

It is a card for the Slovene challenge Craftalnica! It is sort of  last minute but I just didn't get around to blogging! They want red on your project and I think my card is pretty much red - as you can see it is a Christmas tree made of bits of ribbon - initially I wanted to make knots but because of the different materials in the end it just looked like a big heap of ribbon so I untied everything and started a new!¨I distressed the white background with TH DI fired brick and barn door, used a bit of Christmas red Stickles on the edges and stamped the pot with a swirl! The stem of the tree is a skewer!
And now a few words for my Slovene bloggy friends!
Malo sem pozna z mojim prispevkom za izziv a bolje pozno kot nikoli! Kot vidite sem naredila čestitko s smrekco iz raznih trakov - najprej sem mislila narediti  "krošnjo" iz vozlov a ker so materiali tako različni je vse skupaj izgledalo kot en kup zavozlanih trakov - vse skupaj sem odvezala in začela znova, mislim da je zdaj bolje! Belo ozadje sem "distresirala" z TH DI , dodala še malo bleščic na robu in nekaj na smrekco, lonček pa sem poštempljala z vijugo! Steblo drevesa je lesena palčka na katero se sicer natikajo ražnjiči! Trakovi so od vsepovsod, nekaj jih je iz mojih zalog, nekaj is trgovine Memories, nekaj pa iz ameriške spletne strani Really reasonable ribbon! Tako to je moj prispevek za danes!
Lep večer vsem!
Have a lovely evening I will see you tomorrow!


  1. The food at your party sounds delicious. I love your ribbon tree very effective.

  2. Love your ribbon tree. Missed your WOYWW today and hope you are not unwell.
    Pleased to hear about your party going so well.
    Love JoZarty x

  3. Vidim, da bo tudi zate december prekratek. Srečanja, zabave, nakupi.....in za konec ti je uspelo sestaviti prav lepo voščilnico :)). Pozdrav

  4. Krasna smrečica :) všeč so mi te s trakci ♥ ♥ ♥
