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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am off to Cuba!!!!

Hi Everybody!

I am sorry I haven't been around lately, but I had a very busy week and am now in England where I have flown to on Saturday! The reason I am here is that I am going on holiday to Cuba tomorrow! I didn't do WOYWW last week as I was so busy and wouldn't be able to get round to anybody! Obviosly I will miss another 2 weeks of WOYWW as I come back Thursday in 2 weeks time! I hope I will be able to hook up to internet in Cuba for a short hello but if not I just want you all to know that I am still around and will report about all my adventures....
Have a lovely time all my bloggy friends -  see you in about 2 weeks time!
Hugs to all of you,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

About dolly no name!

Hi Everybody!

I am back to show how my dolly no name (because I haven't decided on a name yet) is coming along....
Here is the beginning of her life.... salt dough coming together....

After that came the kneeding.....

Then I started making the dolly bits - I think it went quite well with most of the body parts but the face - that was a nightmare.....how do you get the face out of the mold without ruining the face? That was a question I was answering for about an hour!!! I was holding back from cursing as I didn't want my poor doll to be cursed before she was even properly born, so I didn't curse and didn't give up (very strange as I do so many times) in the end I succeeded and here are all the body parts now in their drying stage! I am a bit worried as I have a very warm flat and  the dough might crack because it will be drying to fast! 

Yes I know she has Dolly Parton boobies but there must be a bit of me on there ha, ha.....

I went to an art shop the other day and they gave me this to fix the dough....one is shiny and one is matt! I haven't decided yet what I want.....

The next phase of my dolly no name making will happen when it dries! Donna if you think that at this point I have to do something that I haven't done  let me know!
Hugs to all of you....

"Less is More"

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend - I am as we have Cultural Day on Tuesday and most of us took off Monday so we have a 4 day long weekend! What fun! I did a bit of tidying up (hoovering, washing, ironing and all the rest of the boring housework), I am getting ready for a holiday which I will explain about in some other post, but the good thing is I found time to craft! I think this whole day will be dedicated to crafting! I have a pile of things I have to do and because of my recent "no mojo" situation there is quite a back log!
Anyways this first post of the day is for Chrissies and Mandies new challenge blog called "Less is More" . They want clean and simple cards, their first challenge is a color one - white, black and pink!!! 
The colors are not my problem but the clean and simple was as anyone who knows me knows I am  More then Less. I like rich colors, lots of embellishments, glitter punched edges etc, etc. (ha, ha also lots of good food, music and fun!)  So this was really a challenge for me....
Here is my card and this is as simple and clean as I can get.....
I looked at what others did and there was some lovely stamping on their cards....I only stamped part of the sentiment - love is handwritten....a punched heart a few stickers and a gem and some (not very perfect)doodled stitches.....various strips of paper and the nice ribbon I found in my ribbon box - it came as a sample from The Really Reasonable Ribbon shop where I bought some ribbon!
That is my clean and simple offering for today!
Have a lovely day - we have bright sunshine you can see all the mountains from my terrace as clear as a bell!
And believe it or not it is 16 deg C on my terrace on the 6th of February! A bit too warm for this time of the year but nice anyway!
Hugs to all

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WOYWW, 2nd February, 2011

Good morning everybody!

How are you all this (in our country) very cold and dull morning??? I am quite happy and that is because I got back up to crafting! It took me a while - I haven't done much yet but it is a start and I am happy! So to get straight to the point and not bore you with all the other goings on in my life I think I better show you a few photos of my desk and what is on it!
I started off by making the flowers from Mandy's tutorial! If she will have a look at them she will probably say I haven't done very well but I did make an effort - I even streched and mad a little heart shaped one....

I also made a Valentines card with one of these flowers......

Yesterday I noticed in our shop Memories that they have these very nice distressing clear stamps - 5 different patterns for 15 Euros and as I have an idea what to do with them I went and bought them....

And here is an over all look at stuff on my desk - yes I bought the TH DI Worn lipstick! Can you imagine of all the colors I didn't have that one! Ha, ha.....

And in preparation of doing more things crafty I got out my Valentine's Day MS punches.....

and Donna I made the salt dough which is in the fridge now ( in cling film - not showing the contents of my fridge ha, ha) waiting for me to find a face mold for my doll ( went to 4 shops don't have them - just clowns, elephants - animals and venitian masks, for which I would have to make a doll as big as me!! I will try another shop  today which is out of town) as I am not an artist and can't really make a nice face ! 
So there that is all for now folks....have a good snoop enjoy the day, be safe and happy!
Hugs to all of you