Dobro jutro!
Danes je res dobro jutro, čeprav sneži in je snežilo vso noč in so zunaj kupi snega sem jaz v moji pižamci in uživam en dan dopusta, ha, ha sem malce prestara da bi navsezgodaj zjutraj čistila avto in lopatala sneg - sem rekla NE! Danes bom gledala sneg le skozi okno.....no saj snega je kar veliko, bom v drugem današnjem blogu objavila nekaj slik iz zasnežene Ljubljane!
Sedaj pa k čestitki, ki sem jo danes zjutraj spravila skupaj! Z njo sodelujem v naslednjih izzivih:
- Crazy 4 challenges - Valentinovo (moja kartica je ene sama ljubezen)
- Crafty Angels - Katera je tvoja najljubša barva? (rdeča in roza seveda!)
- Crafty Calender Challenge - Ljubezen in prijateljstvo ( spet zadetek v polno)
- Pink Elephant Challenge - Mushy Gushy Valentine ( še en zadetek v polno!)
Recept za mojo kartico:
Papir za ozadje Canon
Luknjač srce Picture Punch 3"
Srčke sem embosirala z Cuttlebug mapami za embosiranje ( embossing folders) Swiss Dots, Heart Blocks
Srček v sredini je iz blaga - je delček traku, ki sem ga naročila is Anglije pri Cuddly Buddly
Rožica je narejena z luknjači EK success in Leone M
Razcepek je Bo Bunny
Napis Love je "freebie" iz revije Creative Cardmaking
No, tako to je prvi del, se oglasim še enkrat z mojimi " snežnimi" fotografijami!
Pozdravček vsem
Good morning Everybody!Although it is snowing and it has been snowing all night it is a good morning - HA - I am still in my nighty! I said NO today ! I am just too old to go out there and clean the car and shuffle that snow - I am taking a day off! YIPEEEEEE!!!!! I will be looking at snow through the window....I will take a few photos later and put them on my next post!I have managed to make a card and I will enter it into the following Challenges:
- Crazy 4 challenges - Valentine (my card is all about LOVE)- Crafty Angels - What' s your colour? (red and pink of course!)- Crafty Calender Challenge - Love and friendship ( bulls eye!)-
Pink Elephant Challenge - Mushy Gushy Valentine ( another bulls eye!)My card was made with:DP paper - digital download from CanonHeart punch - Picture Punch 3"
Hearts were embossed with Cuttlebug embossing folders Swiss Dots and Heart BlocksThe heart in the middle is from Cuddly BuddlyFlower is made with EK success in Leone M punchesBrad is Bo BunnySentiment Love is a "freebie" from Creative Cardmaking magazineThats all for the moment I will be back later with my photos of our "winter wonderland"Bye, ByeCardarian