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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WOYWW, Playing with texture!

Hello to Everybody!

I hope you had a lovely week - I had my DBF here all week - he left yesterday so I haven't visited many of you - sorry I will do better this week! It wasn't a very good week though - we had 5 days of snow - I don't remember having so much snow in a long time! I will show some photos in another post  but first lets get up to the usual Wednesday business - showing our tidy or messy desks and congregating at Stamping Ground where our Queen Julia rules.
What I have on my desk is not a card, or a canvas or a tag - it is an EXPERIMENT!

 I pulled out all sorts of paint and mediums to see what I can do with them so let me explain a bit.....I started out with Fresco Finish Chalk acrylics and Cracle glaze from Paperartsy  to make a bit of a crackly blue background....my next step was putting a bit of Treasure Gold in Sapphire on the edges - that didn't do much for me so I went on - I wanted to experiment with texture and as I just bought some new puff paint I thought that would be good so I had this punch out bit of cardstock - two small butterflies and one big one and I used it as a stencil for the puff paint! after I did that I heated the puff paint with my heat gun and boy that thing really works - it rose up like a Yorkshire Pudding! :-) Then I looked at this really boring white puffy paint and though I need to give this some real pop! So I pulled out my SILKS - I bought them a while ago from LUMINARTE - they are beautiful acrylic paints full of mica - shiny and silky! They cost me a fortune as they came from the States and they are quite heavy so the postage and import tax built up to quite a bit, but they are worth their money! I used them on the butterflies, I also used an antique gold acrylic paint to dab in where bits of white was still peeking out! It still seemed a bit dull so I added texture with an embossing folder - a technique I learned from Helen Chilton's blog called  A splash of Color . I went over the embossed bits with another helping of various Treasure Golds and so finished the experiment! It will probably end up in my art journal...Here are some more detailed photos and a picture of my desk from a wider perspective....

Have you noticed how tidy my desk is???  Well when I work with paints my OCD comes out in full and I clean up as soon as I mess up ! He, he maybe I should work with paints more often...:-)
Have a lovely week, enjoy the snooping around and be sure I will be around to see you this week - ha, ha I am now in full "snoopy mood" again!
Lots of hugs to all of you

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOYWW, more gifts and a messy desk!

Hello my bloggy friends!

I hope you are all ok, waiting for spring to come....I certainly am but it keeps on stalling its arrival as we have more snow coming - actually the next few days will be snow, snow, snow....I guess that is what you have to expect if you live under the Alps.....
Sooo I will start with happy news.....I have been sent 2 lovely gift parcels.....

Nr. 1 was from Jo from Jozart - she sent me some plastic canvas, because I would like to make those crosses she posted a tutorial about some time ago - I will make them for Easter to send to some of my relatives - I couldn't find plastic canvas anywhere here in the shops so she sent me some! Also included was a lovely Zig - zag card which I have yet to study how to make and a postcard explaining all! Thank you Jo so much - you are sooo good to me!!!

Nr. 2 was a lovely gift of cute crafty goodies I got from my fellow Slovene crafter Helena  from Helenitinedrobnarije
She is a very versatile crafter - she made some ribbon and washi tape for me and also a cute heart and bird!
Najlepša hvala Helena - oh tako sem vesela! Tale ptiček je ravno zame - ljubim ptičke!
So here is my lovely gift........

After you have seen the nice stuff prepare yourself for a messy desk! My DBF is flying in from England this afternoon and it is his birthday tomorrow so I have been making a card for him - it is peeping out of that envelope! I will show it once he gets it! So enjoy the snoop on my messy desk - it was sooo clean yesterday and this morning look what it turned in.....grrrrrr...

and here is one photo from another angle......

This will be it - for once I managed to make it short and sweet! Now I have to get up to work and then later on I will be off to the airport to pick up my DBF!
Have a lovely day, a good snoop and I will try to get back to as much of you as possible but I will be busy with my visitor - he stays here till Tuesday! YIPPEEE!!!
Lots of hugs to all of you...


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ljubezen je v zraku!

Pozdravljene blogerke in blogerji!

Upam, da ste zdravi in se nekako prebijate skozi te snežne dneve! Pust ni bil ravno uspešen pri preganjanju zime! Izgleda da se ta starka zima kar ne da!
No seveda pa je za "craftanje" taka zima zelo primerna - nikamor se ti ne ljubi, spraviš se v svojo majhno sobico in pridno delaš čestitke, štrikaš, kvačkaš, šivaš ali pa se zlekneš na kavč in bereš kakšno knjigo o "craftanju" ! Veliko razmišljam o tej besedi - je res ena grozna skovanka ampak kar nekako se sliši slovensko! V našem jeziku pravzaprav ni nobene besede ki bi angleški "crafting" lahko popolnoma nadomestila! Zanimivo, pri vsej naši stoletni tradiciji "ročnih del" pa nimamo nekakšne besede ki bi zajela vse v enem! No malce preveč sem zašla v vode slavistov pa naj mi oprostijo!
Kot sem že omenila v prejšnji objavi se iskreno zahvaljujem damam pri CRAFT - alnici, ki so me  nagradile s TOP izziva 74.! Res sem vesela, ponosna in počaščena! Hvala tudi  gospe, ki je prispevala nagrado!
Zdaj pa k novemu izzivu ki je Ljubezen je v zraku! Enkrat tam v 70 tih letih je bila zelo popularna pesem John Paul Younga LOVE IS IN THE AIR ( dober disco komad), na katero smo bili vsi nori! He, he seveda tisti ki smo takrat hodili po discotih! Marsikdo med današnjimi blogerji, še ni bil rojen takrat! Ampak jaz sem takrat že tlačila našo ljubo zemljico! No pa se vrnimo k izzivu! Naredila sem čestitko - mislim da zadnjo v seriji čestitk za Valentinovo! Uporabila sem Hero Arts štampiljke in sicer Woodgrain - profil lesa  in Art of the Card Untiteled heart - ki je set različnih srčkov! Za besedilo sem uporabila črke  Tim Holtza Alphabetical Alphabet, ki sem jih izrezala s Sizzix mašino! Malo sem jih poudarila z rdečimi bleščicami! Pa še en trakec sem dodala in tako je nastala tale skromna čestitka, ki jo prijavljam na izziv Craft - alnice!

Naj vam zaželim lep teden z veliko ustvarjanja in lepo praznujte Valentinovo z osebo,ki vam je ljuba!
Lep pozdravček vsem,

WOYWW, Awards, gifts, new stash snow and a video!

My dear bloggy friends!

Since last Wednesday when we gathered around the round table with our Queen Julia to have a snoop around crafty desks of the world a lot of good things have happened to me! 
I went to visit my mom as we had a holiday - she was very happy and we had a nice couple of days together!
When I came back from my mom my mailbox was full and there was a package in it from Donna from Doings of Doone.... here is the contence of my lovely package....lots of bits from CHA which were all tucked into this lovely book with pockets, some stuff I cannot show and a Hello Kitty mirror....LOVE IT ALL!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH DONNA!!!!!

 Next good thing that happened to me is that I was chosen top of our Slovene challenge CRAFT-alnica, I am so proud - it means a lot to me to win something on my home ground! Thank you to the ladies at Craftalnica that thought my card was worth being top of the challenge! Also thank you for the lovely award!

Then Eliza from Queenartoypia has given me an LIEBSTER AWARD!
Please read what that award is here ! I will do a seperate post where I will give the awards forward.....

When I was at my mom I went to a 1 € shop ( like a pound shop in England) and picked up a few bits ....

As you can see some cute metal hearts, wooden butterflies, flag pins and some raphia ribbon! Love it all and what a bargain it was!!!

Finally I am showing my desk - I just made a card for the next challenge at CRAFT - alnica which is what else then "Love is in the air" .....

Not finished yet.... I have a picture of yesterdays new helping of snow....and we are just now getting another one! When is this winter going to end????

And now my dear friends if you have come this far please sit back with a cup of tea or coffee and watch this cute video which is something I am sending to all of you for Valentine's day! I found it on youtube - the lyrics are lovely and the artist singing is Ingrid Michaelson - some of you might know her but if you don't I recommend you look her up and listen to her music! It is great! I must also mention the artist that put together this cute animation video and is called  Babymicko! Enjoy!

Huh! I hope you will be able to see the video - it is the first time I have ever done this (put a video on my blog) so I hope it works!

Lots of love and hugs to all of you my lovely friends !


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

WOYWW, 3 years blogging and a Barbie card

Hello my dear bloggy friends!

I hope you are warm and safe - we are just having a snow storm, you should see the amount of snow coming down - huh not very happy about that! But anyway that is good for crafting as all you want to do is get into that little room and get on with some crafting!
Here is what we got in just about an hours time - imagine what it will be like this afternoon when I will be coming home from work!!! Huh!

On Sunday it was 3 years since I have been blogging - I can't believe it has been so long and it is about 3 years today since I have been WOYWW - ing! (he, he I love all this WOYWW word play), when I first started I was sure nobody would ever read my blog but today I have 99 followers and about 30 thousand hits! WOW!!! Thank you to all my faithful readers, I will try to make my blog more interesting for you! I am thinking what to do for my bloggaversary, a givaway or something else - I don't know really! I will have a think and decide and let you all know! 
In the meanwhile I will get on with the usual business of WOYWW - that is showing your desk or what you have on your desk! My desk is quite tidy although I am making cards and things all the time, actually I am in the process of reorganizing my craft room ! It has become so crowded I can't really enjoy crafting anymore so I have bought some boxes on wheels and other little containers so that I can reorganize! I will show you what I did sometime soon! It is a process - you make a plan how you want to do things and then when you do it you realize it isn't what you really want so you have to start again - huh!! 
Here you can have a look at a more complicated card I made - it involves stamping, splattering, tearing, die cutting, painting with gesso - allsorts.
Yesterday I was in a more girlie mood and went all Barbie - pink and bling.....quite a simple Valentine's Day card but it does look fancy!

And a close up!

I will finish with that today, I bet Julia - our first in command will be happy with me ! If you haven't heard about this amazing worldwide blog hop you should really have a look! But be prepared for a total addiction!
Have a lovely crafty week!
Lots of hugs to all of you,

Monday, February 4, 2013

3 leta bloganja in cik cak vzorec za Craf-talnico

Drage blogerke in blogerji!

Včeraj je minilo 3 leta odkar blogam! Nisem najbolj inventivna in res mi je žal da ne blogam več v slovenščini - to je predvsem zato, ker je glavni namen mojega bloga sodelovanje pri izzivih na področju izdelovanja čestitk in drugih ročnih del! Veliko sodelujem z blogerji v Angliji in ZDA zato sem se pač odločila da je blog večinoma v angleščini ha, ha žal ne moremo pričakovati da se bodo Angleži naučili slovenščine, zato da bodo lahko brali naše bloge! Vsekakor pa rada sodelujem pri našem edinem izzivu na temo ročnih del, ki se imenuje CRAFT- ALNICA! Tudi danes se temu izzivu pridružujem!
 Radi bi videli CIK - CAK vzorec na naših izdelkih ! No jaz sem izdelala čestitko za Valentinovo, ki na pogled morda nima veliko cik - caka pa vendar ga je kar nekaj - V ozadju je štampiljka s cik cak vzorcem, ravno tako na washi traku in ob robu - izsek iz Martha Stewart štance, pa še na čipki! Se mi zdi da vse skupaj da kar lepo teksturo! Sicer sem za čestitko uporabila zadnje čase zelo priljubljeno "špric" tehniko! Pač ko z akrilno barvo ali gesso-jem pobarvaš ozadje še malo barve "nalašč" pošpricaš po ozadju! Jaz sem sicer precej packasta ko delam te stvari tako da pride prav če je to kar del stvaritve! He, he....
No tukaj je moj izdelek.... svetloba je tako čudna - sem poslikala najprej v stanovanju, pa se mi ni zdelo dobro, potem sem jo mahnila na mraz na balkon, kjer tudi ni bilo kaj prida svetlobe - presodite sami kaj je bolje....
Tale je v moji "craftalnici".....

No tole je pa zunaj na balkonu - še malo snega je v ozadju! 

Še malo detaljčka....

No pa sem stopila v četrto leto bloganja - uh kako luštno! :-)
Lep pozdravček vsem,