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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Card Camp 2011, Week 1

Hi Everybody!

Have you noticed that blogger has been playing up all morning??? Oh well that is nothing new.....what is new is that 

I was thinking what to make with this color combo and although it looks quite easy you do have to think because a lot of these colors are combined with green and green is not amoung the combo! Anyway I decided to go "Kristina Werner" style, I might get up to another card but I would like to get this one on the blog before it is too late....

So there - that is my contribution to this weeks Summer Card Camp!
Lots of hugs,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A late WOYWW!

Good evening my dear friends!

I am very late posting and there are several reasons for that - one being that I am preparing to renew my bathroom so I am running around shops looking at tiles, taps, toilets, showers....... huh, the other reason is that while I was at one of these men who do tiles and have very fancy ones around their house (just to show what they can do) I slipped on some steps and had a nice roll down! So speaking in crafting terms I now have both legs in color of Broken chine DI, with a hint of Vintage Photo and Mustard Seed! And a very very painful knee which is now wrapped in an ice pack (which being so cold makes me want to pee every five minutes) And did I mention that I have to go to work every day and my boss not being there I am working long hours?? 
But the crazy women I am I even signed up for Summer Card Camp, and I am preparing to do a book with Donna and other projects I better not even mention! It is funny really - with all this going on Mr. Mojo is now standing by me and I have ideas flowing in all the time! 
So let me show you my desk and what I have managed to make for today.....
Here is my desk.....an overall look....you can see all my little punches!

and here is the left side.....

And the right side.....

And here is my litttle contribution to Less is More this week....

So there I will wrap this up and head up to Queen Julia's headquarters (although she is not in) and check myself in! This is short and sweet but I will tell you the truth it was a really long day and that blue thing attached to my b..... is hurting so I think I will lay down and hopefully get some sleep!
Hugs to all of you lovely friends,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Čestike Sloveniji ob 20. rojsntnem dnevu

Good evening to all blogging world!

It has been a nice day here in Slovenia, I have had a nice lay in, cooked lunch for my daughter and her boyfriend, did a bit of ironing and lots of blog hoping! We have a national holiday today - 20th birthday of our lovely country Slovenia! Although the politicians from top to bottom are corrupt and useless we as a nation can be proud of what we have achieved! We have a lovely country, lots of honest and hard working people so there is hope for us! Also the good news is that people are having more babies so the number of Slovenes is growing! Well looking at us globaly we are still a rare species - only 2 million of us! But even as a small nation we have an amazing population of talented people - scientists, musicians, authors, artists and lots and lots of excellent sportsmen and women! So happy 20th birthday to our lovely country and nation! I am proud to be a Slovene!
Danes je bil čudovit dan! Lepo sem se naspala, skuhala kosilo za mojo hčerko in njenega fanta, malo likala in popoldne malo skakljala od bloga do bloga! Čudovit praznik je danes! Praznujemo 20. rojstni dan naše čudovite domovine Slovenije! Čeprav so naši politiki od vrha do tal pokvarjeni in neuporabni, pa smo kot narod lahko ponosni na vse kar smo dosegli! Imamo čudovito deželo z veliko poštenih in delovnih ljudi! Še je upanje za nas Slovence! Dobra novica je tudi, da je vse več otrok, torej število Slovencev narašča! Globalno gledano smo seveda redka vrsta - samo 2 milijona nas je! Pa vendar je med temi dvemi milijoni kopica talentiranih znanstvenikov, glasbenikov, pisateljev, umetnikov in mnogo, mnogo odličnih športnikov! Torej vse najboljše ob 20. rojstnem dnevu naši domovini in Slovencem (ki jih naš spoštovani predsednik v svojem govoru včeraj niti enkrat ni omenil!!!!!!!! Zanj smo samo "državljani"). Ponosna sem da sem Slovenka!

Zdaj bom pa prešla k malo manj resnim temam  - izdelovanju čestitk ....Že nekajkrat zaporedoma sem zamudila rok za izziv pri Craftalnici! No tokrat ga bom ujela. Naredila sem dve čestitki, ki nimata kupljenih dodatkov!
Tole prvo sem naredila za mojo Pif (pay it forward - daj naprej) partnerko kot zahvalo za darilo, ki sem ga prejela od nje! Bom rekla da sem razen štampiljke vse sama naredila....papir za ozadje sem pobarvala z TH DI Mustard seed in Dylusions sprayem Hot Pink, rožice sem naredila z luknjačem, jih malo pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in malo porisala s črnim flomastrom, to sem tudi naredila na ozadju....tudi štampiljko, ki je od Stampotique Originals sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki!

Moja druga čestitka pa je bolj preprosta - uporabila sem samo 2 različni štampiljki! Obe sta od Hero Arts - ena je okvir, druga pa ptiček, natisnila sem ptička v okvir , izrezala okvir, vseskupaj pa nalepila na belo čestitko,se mi zdi kar učinkovito, čeprav nima nobenih dodatkov!

Tako, to bo za danes vse....
Vsem "craftarcam" želim lep in ustvarjalen večer!
Pozdravček vsem,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WOYWW, 22 June, 2011, PiF and a PiF and.......

Good morning to all you lovely bloggers!

Last week my blog post was very long, I will try to be shorter this week but I am not sure if I can be really because I have sooo much to show! 
I will start with my desk..it is TIDY!!!! Well it might not be to some of you but for me this is tidy! Why is it tidy??? Because I had a major clean up yesterday - not just the crafty space the whole flat has got a proper clean - I washed all the windows, terraces, floors - everything!!!

 And I have now officially opened the summer craft room (which is really my terrace).....have a look......

And I am not finished yet here is a closer look of WOYWW...... yes it is my PIF!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I got it yesterday from Di from Pixie's crafty workshop and it is a lovely treasure box ( at least that is what I call it) so beautiful, so much detail - I just love it! And it is pink - my favourite color as all you know! Thank you Di for this really lovely PIF......

I also got a lovely card with it........

And inside there were these lovely candels that smell like roses......mhmmmmm.....

 Nooo I am not finished yet! I made a thank you card for Di and it will be winging its way to you Di......

 I will enter it into our Slovene challenge called CRAFTALNICA as they want embellishments that are not bought in the shop  - well I made everything myself - even the paper, the flowers and I doodled on it a little - just to make it as quirky as the Stampotique stamp I used......
Still not finished.....the Pif I made and sent to Australia has finally arrived so I can show what I made....
I went to this decoupage class just before we did the Pif thing and I decided I would make a box with handmade flowers as my Pif - it is hard to know what style the recipient prefers so I thought if they don't like the box and the colors of the flower they can just spray them and paint over them and make them to their liking! RosA  from Paperchase is my Pif partner and I think she is happy with my Pif.....

Ok almost done now......here is just a peek at my flowers.....

and the cherry liquer I am making......cherries in brandy - have to stay in the sun for 3 weeks.....then it is sooo yummy....

Ok NOW I am done....hopefully you got to this point ha, ha...... I promise I will be very short next week......

Lots of hugs to all of you

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WOYWW, 15th June, 2011

Good afternoon everybody!!

I have been up since 6am, I thought I would blog early but I got caught up in other things and so I am now blogging veeeeeeery late! Well the Pif hasn't arrived yet so no picture of that but I have other stuff to show you... so much I am worried I won't get it all into one post!
First I would like to tell you something about the International Year of Forests
.....hmmmm I know what you are thinking - what do forests have to do with crafting.....A LOT ladies, a LOT.....All the lovely paper you use comes from trees and forests...all sorts of fibers, mash....la, la, la.....that is all FORESTS!!!!!! Actually the air you breathe - forests!  So pay some respect to those big patches of green that surround you! Well I do have something  more deeply crafty in connection forests and this big big event to share with you.... a few months ago our Slovenian Forest Institute started preparing events and other things to celebrate IYF and one of our  co- workers that comes from a little village called Žiri said that their local lace making ladies club was prepared to make something for this event.....sooo I was  asked to look for pictures of trees in old books that were not photos but drawings so that they could make  their sketches for the lace and they made pictures of all the main tree species that grow in our forests - in LACE!!! I have seen a lot of exhibitions over the years but this is just amazing - hours and hours of work! I think they said every picture was 300 hours of work!  I tried to capture what they did on these photos but it is impossible to really show it unless you see it live....
 This is the whole exhibition.....
The bobbins and pillow they use for making the lace - each one of the bobbins is made of different wood - going from left to right pear wood, plum wood, walnut wood, beech wood , cherry and maple wood.....
Here are details..... chestnut leaves and fruit.....


Beech trees.......


And this is a small lime tree they made.....all the leaves are made of lace.....


So that is one thing I wanted to show you.....well then there is the messy desk of this week......

The floor.......

Even the ironing board ( he, he don't have to iron now.....)

Then last but not least two cards I have made - two completly different styles.....this one I played with different papers to achieve the look of the beach and the sea - and a very cute Craft Meow stamp.....

And my piece for the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge where they want a lot of torn stuff....I think there are layers of torn on my card......

and right at the end - if you haven't given up ages ago a roll of lovely Fabriano art paper...... I must cut it but I just love to carress it.......

Thats me for today not sweet and short but definitly sweet and long!
Lots of love and hugs to all my lovely bloggy friends....