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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Library opening

Hiya my dear Friends!

How are you all on  this not so lovely morning?? Well it is not so lovely because the weather is not very nice - we have a very dull day - I should say thankfully as yesterday we finally got a nice bit of rain that made it nice and cool - the heat - around 33 deg C all week - was just too much for me so all I did was a bit of crafting in the evenings - I will show you what I have been doing later but first is first I must tell you all about the library opening!
Let me first explain a little bit about it! We are a joint library of 3 institutions - The Forestry Faculty, The Slovenian Forestry Institute and the Slovenia Forest Service. You might wonder what is so important about forests but it is in our country because almost 80 % of our land is covered in forests so forests are an important issue!
What happened was the library was situated at the Slovenian Forestry Institute for over 60 years but because of the new study programmes
(especially the Bologna programme) students have lots of seminar work and a library was needed close to the classrooms. The Faculty decided to build an extension where the new library is now - we still work the old library too so we will be working in both buildings!
Let me show you around!
This is the Faculty Garden entrance to the library

As you can see the extension is built into a hill so on the side and the back we are actually like in the basement - only the front looks into the garden...
Here are our 2 reading rooms.....
The computer reading room.....

.....and the journal reading room....

All the reading rooms are upstairs downstairs is where the actually library and archives are.....Let me now show you a few photos from the opening....
We all gathered in the main class room....

The dean had a speech.....
and my boss....

and between the speeches we listened to a lovely trio - a guitar and 2 flutes

After this official part of the openeing we all walked through the faculty garden into the library....and here are a few photos.....

Some of our lady professors having a chat....

our professors and young assistance having a rumage through the shelves ( notice my bookmarks??????)...

This is the working force of this big project.....Natalija, me, Anna (my daughter) Laura and Luka......

All the material for the shelves is proper wood - oak to be exact, the green lights on top of the shelves should represent tree crowns......

And of course at the end we had a party out in the garden - we were lucky - it was a beautiful sunny day....

A group of young librarians.....

And another photo of us girls with my boss......Laura, Maja, Anna, Natalija and me.....

So there my dear friends this was the opening of the library.....

Have a lovely day.....

Hugs to all of you....



  1. Oh my how utterly fab. Now those oak shelves are the sort of job Mr D would love to do..gorgeous. Looks like a great day and your working environment is just fab. Worth all the hard work now, I'm sure.

  2. Sounds like a great day and looks like a great place!

  3. wow what fabulous photos. Your daughter is beautiful too.
